1. 《科学管理原理》(Principles of Scientific Management)泰勒(Frederick Taylor,1911)
2. 《经理人的职责》(The Functions of the Executive)巴纳德(Chester I Barnard, 1938)
3. 《管理的实践》(The Practice of Management)德鲁克(Peter F Drucker, 1954)
4. 《企业中人方面》(The Human Side of Enterprise)麦戈雷戈(Douglas M McGregor,1960)
5. 《管理行为:管理中的决策过程研究》(Administrative Behavior: A Study of Decision-Making Process in Administrative Organizations)西蒙(Herbert A Simon,1947)
6. 《组织与环境:管理差异化和整合》(Organization and Environment: Managing Differentiation and Integration)劳伦斯和洛尔施(Paul R Lawrence and Jay W Lorsch,1967)
7. 《组织》(Organizations)马奇和西蒙(James G March and Herbert A Simon, 1958)
8. 《动机与人格》(Motivation Personality)马斯洛(Abraham H Maslow, 1954)
9. 《竞争战略:产业与竞争者分析技术》(Competitive Strategy:Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors)(Michael E Porter,1980)
10. 《管理与工人》(Management and the Worker)罗斯里伯格和迪克森(Fritz J Roethlisberger and William J Dickson,1939)
11. 《战略与结构:美国企业历史上的篇章》(Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of American Enterprise)钱德勒(Alfred D Chandler, 1962)
12. 《企业的行为理论》(A Behavioral Theory of the Firm)赛耶特和马奇 (Richard M Cyert and James G March,1963)
13. 《社会与经济组织理论》(The Theory of Social and EconomicOrganization)韦伯(Max Weber,1922)
14. 《组织的社会心理学》(The Social Psychology of Organizations)卡兹 和卡恩(Daniel Katz and Robert L Kahn)
15. 《个性与组织:系统与个体间的冲突》(Personality and Organization: The Conflict between System and the Individual)阿吉里斯(Chris Argyris,1957)
16. 《工业管理与一般管理》(General and Industrial Management)法约尔 (Henri Fayol,1916)
17. 《管理的新模式》(New Patterns of Management)利克特(Rensis Likert, 1961)
18. 《工业组织:理论与实践》(Industrial Organization:Theory and Practice) 伍德沃德(Joan Woodward,1965)
19. 《工业文明的人类问题》(The Human Problems of and Industrial Civilization)梅约(Elton Mayo,1933)
20. 《管理创新》(The Management of Innovation)伯恩斯和斯托克(Tom Burns and George M Stalker,1961)
21. 《质量、生产效率和竞争地位》(Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position)戴明(W Edwards Deming,1982)
22. 《组织的行为》(Organizations in Action)汤普森(James D Tthompson, 1967)
23. 《人类群体》(The Human Group)霍曼斯(George C Homans,1950)
24. 《成就的社会》(The Achieving Society)麦克里兰(David C McClelland, 1961)
25. 《工作的动机》(The Motivation to Work)赫兹伯格(Frederick Herzberg, 1959)