College students now bear heavy academic pressure.
You will find them--except seniors who begin to apply for a job--alaways too busy in
studies to join campus associations and clubs,too busy to take part in sports and other
extracuricular activities,too busy to share the interests of their friends,and too busy
pay attention to anything that is not connected with their studies.
In short,they have become nothing but a robot.
They are under pressure to do too much work in too little time.
If their roommates are studying in the library until it closes at midnight while they
go to a movie,they will feel guilty.
The very idea of doing nothing during the day will make them uncomfortable and
sleepless all night.
They study so hard that they hardly have had time to savor life and to pursue other
interests to grow as well-developed person.
The pursuit of college education costs them too much personal happiness and health.
答案 现在大学生的学习压力相当重.除了大四,他们开始找工作了,期于的学生他们总是忙与学