(1)101思想政治理论 (2)201英语一 (3)656心理学研究方法 (4)852普通心理学 科目代码: 850 —、选择题:请从下面四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案(每题2分,共36题,共72分) 1.Mary看到另一个人的行为,然后说“啊,我也可以这么做!"。班杜拉(Bandura )把这 种个人评价称作() A.self-efficacy B.self-esteem C.self-concept D.self-appraisal 2.以下哪个情绪理论提出不同的自主启动方式引发不同的情感? A.James-Lange theory B.Cannon-Bard theory C.Schachter two-factor theory D.commonsense theory 3.当第_批宇航员进行火星探索时,他们没有外界的时间线索。你预测宇航员的昼夜节律会() A.drift toward a slightly longer cycle. B.drift toward a slightly shorter cycle. C.stay synchronized with a 24-hour cycle. D.become sporadic and show no definite pattern. 4.小张骑摩托车发生车祸,头部受到严重创伤。车祸之后,他总是忘记日常任务、约会时间 地点等。小张这种情况最可能是头部创伤引起的 ()。 A.retrograde amnesia B.retroactive interference C.pseudoforgetting D.anterograde amnesia 5.越来越多的心理学实验通过互联网收集数据。以下那一条不是这种数据收集方法潜在的问 题? A.The data are collected under less controlled conditions. B.The participation rates tend to be lower than for a comparable non-Internet study. C.The sample may be biased toward participants who are relatively young and affluent. D.It is difficult or impossible to collect data from special populations. 6.以下哪一条是变化盲视(change blindness )的例子? A.A patient with visual neglect fails to attend to one side of her/his visual field. B.You handed your preion to a pharmacist. Shortly after, another pharmacist returned to give you the medicine. However, you never realized they were two different people. C.You can never find your black car in a large parking lot. D.You did not see the traffic light had changed to red because you were too engaged in a phone conversation. 7.小张发现如果他和很多同学一起学习,他可以学的时间长一点;当他自己一个人的时候,学 习的时间持续的相对较短。()可以解释他的行为。 A.social conformity B.social facilitation C.social obedience D.all of the above 8.以下那种活动主要是由脊柱控制的? A.sneezing in response to an irritant B.moving your arm in order to catch a baseball C.perceiving that an object is hot D.walking movement 9.麦孤独(McDougall )认为人的社会行为源自 :奥尔波特(Allport)认为人的社会行为 源自()。 A.biological factors ... many factors B.many factors ... biological factors C.many factors ... many factors D.biological factors ... many factors 10.对信息的过度学习会() A.improve retention B.not improve retention C.improve retention for nonsense syllables, but not much else D.result in "burnout" 11.那些渴求成就感的人会选择()的任务,因为在这样的任务中,成功概率和成功的激 励价值形成恰当的组合,最能强化成就感。 A.moderately easy B.extremely easy C.extremely difficult D.moderately difficult 12.埃里克森认为在心理社会发展的第三阶段,主要需解决的冲突是主动感与内疚感的冲突,也 就是说孩子必须知道:() A.who to trust or not trust B.how to deal with peers and adults C.how to pursue his or her own interests and also get along with others D.how to become self-sufficient 13.虽然我们可能不觉得我们有性别歧视,但是当面对男性和女性时,我们仍然会区分对待, 这是()的体现。 A.hollow face illusion B.dual process theory C.recency effect D.attribution theory 14.—只黑猩猩打开盒子,发现里面有食物。另一只黑猩猩看到了以后马上打开一个相似的盒 子,这种行为体现了:() A.shaping B.natural recovery C.reciprocity D.observational learning 15.当人们积累了越来越多的信息时,提取某一个信息的时间会延长。例如,当你复习了的很 多关于短时记忆的内容,你回答某一个关于短时记忆的问题所需的时间会变长。这被称为() A.semantic network B.the fan effect C.anterograde amnesia D.paired associates learning 16.Steve参与了一个睡眠实验。在几天中,每当他进入快速眼动睡眠期(REM >,他就被侥幸。 随着参与实验的天数的增加,Steve会()。 A.increased the total number of hours he slept each night. B.reduced the total number of hours he slept each night. C.would enter REM sleep more and more frequently. D.would enter REM sleep less frequently. 17.我家的猫每次下雨就会挠沙发,但是不会吐毛球;每次下雪它会吐毛球,但不会挠沙发。 所以我得到一个结论:下雨导致我家的猫挠沙发,下雪导致我家的猫吐毛球。在这个假想的例 子里,我形成结论所用的逻辑是()。 A.Single association B.Double association C.Double dissociation D.Single dissociation 18.在巴德利(Alan Baddeley )的工作记忆模型中,中枢系统的作用是()。 A.repression B.focusing attention C.automatic processing D.long-term potentiation 19.当一个神经元受到刺激并开始接收信息的时候,它的电荷()。 A.becomes less negative B.becomes more negative C.immediately becomes positive D.immediately affects the next neuron 20.小李在电脑前工作两个小时了,刚开始他听到的电脑风扇发出的轰轰声已经不再恼人了。 小李对噪音敏感度下降是一种()过程。 A.perceptual invariance B.perceptual assimilation C.adjusting just noticeable differences D.sensory adaptation 21.记忆编码的过程指的是()。 A.the persistence of learning over time B.the recall of information previously learned C.getting information into memory D.a clear memory of an emotionally significant event 22.当一个人做梦时,他知道他在做梦,还能控制一些梦里发生的事件,此时他正在()。 A.dreaming during Stage 4 of the sleep cycle. B.having a theta-wave dream. C.having a lucid dream. D.experiencing pseudo-REM sleep. 23.小美幼年时,她很喜欢一种玫瑰的香味,因为那是她妈妈经常喷的香水的味道。这种味 道让她想起妈妈的爱抚和拥抱。小美长大以后喜欢各种花的香,百合、茉莉等等。在条件反 射理论中,这是一个()的过程。 A.stimulus generalization. B.stimulus discrimination. C.preparedness. D.spontaneous recovery. 24.下列哪一项不是语言的关键性质? A.Language is structured. B.Language is orderly. C.Language is symbolic. D.Language is generative. 25.进化心理学认为人与生俱来的思考模式是 ()。 A.base rates and probabilities rather than raw frequencies B.raw frequencies rather than base rates and probabilities C.representative heuristics rather than availability heuristics D.availability heuristics rather than representative heuristics 26.小王参加了公司的迎新活动认识了一些新同事,但是对于名字他只能记住一两分钟。这 可能是因为新同事的名字被储存在()系统里。 A.flashbulb memory B.implicit memory C.short-term memory D.iconic memory 27.以下哪个问题华生(John B. Watson )不认为可以通过科学方法研究?() A.Consumer buying habits are influenced by newspaper advertisements. B.Worker productivity is influenced by hourly wage rates. C.Academic achievement is influenced by a positive self-concept. D.Aggressive behavior is influenced by threats of punishment. 28.Lisa每次吃完饭把自己的碗筷收拾好,都会得到父母的表扬。John收拾好碗筷后,他的 父母有时候表扬他有时候忘了。基于操作性条件反射理论,你预测()。 A.both children's table clearing will be equally resistant to extinction. B.John's table clearing will be more resistant to extinction than Lisa's. C.Lisa's table clearing will be more resistant to extinction than John's. D.John will develop stimulus generalization, and Lisa will develop stimulus discrimination. 29.现在人们把"保姆"称作"家政"、把"职业介绍所"称作"猎头公司",这是一种()。 A.framing B.subjective utility C.anticipatory name calling D.semantic slanting 30.()研究探索的主要问题是"哪些因素使人能够同时注意到多个事物 ? A.selective attention B.perceptual load theory C.visual search D.divided attention 31.如果一个人身体后仰摔倒,后脑勺撞击地面,以下那种认知功能最可能受损?() A.tasting B.thinking C.seeing D.hearing 32.Anthrop教授开发了一种新药P3X ,它是一个GABA激动剂。使用P3X最可能出现的副 作用是()。 A.general stimulation within the body and an increase in heart rate B.anxiety reduction and general relaxation C.a reduction in pain and a sense of euphoria D.hallucinations and disrupted sleep patterns 33.卡尼曼和特韦尔斯基(Kahneman and Tversky , 1984 )提出在()情况下,人们最 可能承担风险。 A.when seeking to cut their losses B.when they are not asked to provide rationales for their choices C.when the issue is framed in terms of probability of success D.when the probability of success is equal to the probability of failure 34.关于文化对IQ测验的影响,以下哪一个说法最准确?() A.Different cultures have different conceptions of what intelligence is. B.IQ tests are widely used in virtually all cultures. C.It is generally accepted across all cultures that it is possible to measure and quantify intellectual ability. D.Western IQ tests generally translate well into the language and cognitive framework of non-Western cultures. 35.达尔文认为一个特质通过提供()来促进进化。 A.a reproductive advantage B.a survival advantage C.both a reproductive and a survival advantage D.either a reproductive or a survival advantage 36.以下哪一项不是多通道知觉(multisensory perception )的例子?() A.phantom limb B.McGurk effect C.Pulfritch effect D.the rubber hand illusion (心理学考研真题关注公众号“心理学考研同盟”) 第二部分:问答题(共78分) 1.有些心理学家认为 “most mildly retarded children come from the lower socioeconomic classes”(如Hudson, 2005, Rantakallio, 1987 %请从心理学角度对上述观点进行评价或讨 论。( 10分) 2.Pittinsky, Shih,和Trahan ( 2005 )做了一个实验。被试看了四个人的邮箱地址,分别是: chen@wjh.harvard.edu、king@wjh.harvard.edu> amy@wjh_harvard.edu 和 josh@wjh.harvard.edu ,然后判断哪个人的语言词汇能力最强。最多被试认为词汇能力最 强的是amy@wjh.harvard.edu邮箱地址的使用者。请问为什么被试这么判断?哪种心理学 理论可以解释被试的选择?( 10分) 3.十九世纪后期出现的进化论思想(Darwin, 1859; Darwin, 1871 )是如何影响现代心理科学 的?( 10分) 4.瑞典皇家科学院将2017年诺贝尔经济学奖授予美国经济学家理查泰勒(Richard Thaler), 以表彰他在行为经济学上的贡献。对于个人决策存在着经济学和心理学的分析,泰勒的贡 献在于搭建了一座连接两种分析的桥梁,对于经济学研究和政策有深远影响。什么是行为经济学?心理学哪些研究方法能与经济学研究结合,解决经济学相关的问题?请用例子具体说明你的观点。( 12分) 5.从联结学习理论出发,电视广告一遍又一遍重复的播出有什么效果?为什么?(12分) 6.(a) “遗忘是对输入信息存储的失败”这个说法正确吗?为什幺?( 6分) (b)我们每天都会记得很多事情,也会忘记很多事情。请用两种认知心理学理论解释遗忘的 威因。(6分) 7.经济学研究发现,当一些商品价格下降时,这些商品的销虽会上升。但也有一种现象,就 是某些商品(如Veblen good )价格上升时,其销量反而会增加。请运用至少两种心理学原理 或效应对后一种现象予以解释,并辅以一些研究或现实生活证据予以支持。( 12分) 心理学考研咨询朱老师13611267718