
2019 年上海对外经贸大学 英语翻译硕士真题最完整回忆版

13371689632梁老师 / 2019-07-17

 2019 年上海对外经贸大学 英语翻译硕士真题最完整回忆版  


英语翻译基础(150 分)


一、 英译汉(75 分)
(选自哈佛大学校长德鲁.福斯特致辞 2021 届新生之《大学教育的意义》 ,内容有删改。时间:17 年 08 月 29 日)
universities are about knowledge and the pursuit of truth. We believe in facts and in the power of the human mind to ascertain them. We are committed to education and learning as vehicles for human betterment and as essential foundations for democratic government. Harvard is a research university, which means that its faculty is engaged in pushing the boundaries of knowledge in their wide-ranging fields of endeavor. And as you learn, you are invited to be part of this adventure of discovery — in and beyond classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and museums. You may eventually write a senior thesis — about 40 percent of last year’s graduates did — a project in which you pursue an interest, a problem of your own independent research — or perhaps you will spend a summer as part of our undergraduate research village, living on campus together with other student researchers while you work closely with faculty in pursuit of new knowledge in fields of science and engineering, or social sciences, or markets and organizations, community engagement, global health, or humanities and arts.

We believe that the pursuit of truth requires a continuing process of testing and reassessment, of argument, and challenge and debate. We are never so complacentas to believe we have unerringly attained it. Veritas is both aspiration and inspiration. We recognize there is always more to know, so we must be open to new ideas and new perspectives, to the possibility — even the probability — of being wrong. This requires all of us to work with courage and generosity and humility — to be willing to engage in the great debate that is an intellectual community, open to others’ ideas and willing to change our views based on reason and evidence. But these are not just important intellectual skills that we hope to nurture in each of you. These are criticalhuman capacities as well — the ability to make judgments, to evaluate facts, and the willingness to be open to learning and growth as new truths unfold.

This brings me to the second essential characteristic of universities that I want to emphasize to you today. Many of the most important ideas you will encounter over the next four years will not come from a professor or a lab or a book or an online assignment. They will come from those sitting next to you right now. Many of the questions you come to ask, the challenges you learn to parry, the new perspectives you come to embrace will be the result of your interactions with one another. This is why it is imperative that your class collectively represent the widest possible range of backgrounds, and experiences, and interests.

When the admissions office decided on you, it was because they wanted your voice, your contribution as part of this creative cacophony. So don’t be silent. (And please don’t live your life online as if you weren’t here at all!) Engage with one another.

Talk a lot so others can learn from you. Listen even more so that you can learn from them. Don’t be afraid to take the risk of being wrong. Don’t be afraid to admit you are wrong. It is the best way to learn and grow.

二、 汉译英(75 分)
作为拥有五千年文明积淀的东方大国,中国人历来崇尚以和为贵,从来就没有对外扩张的基因。600 多年前,郑和率领当时世界上最强大的船队七次远航太平洋和西印度洋,到访 30 多个国家和地区,没有侵占一寸土地。这对于当年热衷于殖民扩张的西方国家来说,简直是不可思议,但中国确实做到了。更何况生活在全球化的今天,和平、发展、合作、共赢已是时代潮流,再搞侵略扩张那一套早已此路不通。因此,我们不会也不可能重蹈历史覆辙,而是立志走出一条全新的道路。    也许很多人还不知道,坚持走和平发展道路已经被写入了《中华人民共和国宪法》和中国共产党党章,成为我们必须遵循的国法和党规,充分表明了中国追求和平的坚定决心。

中国古代圣贤孔子主张:“君子和而不同”,“己所不欲,勿施于人”。这些充满真理和智慧的思想同样适用于国与国之间的关系。尊重彼此差异、学会换位思考,才能达到真正的和。这个世界上没有放之四海而皆准的发展模式,国与国交往的目的恰恰是在承认不同的前提下增进相互了解、彼此和平共处。历史反复证明,一定要按照自己的标准来改造对方,执意把外来的制度强加于 人,大多难以成功,不少还会引发灾难性后果。我要强调的是,不管过去、现在还是将来,中国既不会照搬外国的模式,也不会要求别国复制中国的做法。

首先,大学是关于知识和对真理的追求。我们相信真理和人类不懈追求真理力量。我们坚信教育和学习,是人类进步的动力和民主政府的基石。哈佛作为一所研究型大学,意味着它的教员们正致力于在他们广 泛的领域里不断拓展知识的边界。而当你开始学习,我们邀请你成为探索之旅的一员,在教室、实验室、图书馆和博物馆的广阔天地里。像去年 40%左右的毕业生那样,你最终可能会完成一份毕业论文。那可能是你感兴趣的一个项目,你独立研究的一个问题,又或者你会花一个夏天成为本科生研究组的一员,与其他学生研究员一起待在校园,和研究教师密切合作,探索各领域新知。无论是科学工程还是社会科学,是市场组织还是社区参与,是全球健康还是人文艺术。
我们相信,追求真理的过程需要经过持续不断的测试和评估,经过无数次地论证、挑战和辩论。我们从不故作自满地相信一切万无一失。真理既是渴望也是灵感。我们知道知识的探索永无止境,所以我们必须拥抱新想法和新观点,尝试新可能,即使偶尔犯错。这要求我们所有人具备勇气、慷慨和谦逊的品质, 愿意参与到伟大的辩论中去。作为知识分子群体,应该开放地吸纳别人的想 法,有理有据地改变自己的观点。但我们希望在你们每个人身上不仅仅培养这些重要的智力能力,同时还有其他至关重要的人类潜能,如判断力,评估力, 以及在新的事实面前,虚心学习和自我成长的能力。




China is a big country in the East with a five-thousand-year civilization. The Chinese believe in peace. There’s not a single bone of making external expansionism in the body of the Chinese. As early as over six hundred years ago, the Chinese navigator Zheng He led the biggest fleet in the world to the Pacific and west Indian Oceans on seven expeditions, visiting over thirty countries and regions, not taking a single inch of land. That was actually quite inconceivable for those Western powers who were busy making colonial expansion, but the Chinese did that. Moreover, we have come into an age of globalization when peace, development, and win-win are the call of the times, and the old practice of aggression and expansion can no longer work. Hence, China will not repeat a historical path, nor is it possible for China to ever follow that path. The truth is China is determined to follow a new path. Maybe not that many people know that the commitment to the path of peaceful development has been incorporated into the constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the charter of the Communist Party of China. That means it has become a part of national law and the party charter that we must observe. That speaks to China’s firm commitment to peace.

The Chinese ancient philosopher Confucius believed that a gentleman should seek harmony in diversity and should not do to others what one would not like himself. We believe that also applies to state-to-state relations. We respect our differences, think from others’ perspective. We can achieve true harmony. There’s no one size that fits all in today’s world. It is important that we enhance mutual understanding and live in peace and harmony as we develop state-to-state relations. History has shown that if one is bent on remolding the other according to one’s own standards or insists on imposing one’s system upon others, most probably that would not work, and even invite disastrous implications or consequences. I want to emphasize the China will not—did not copy foreign pattern and will not copy foreign pattern, and China will not ask others to copy China’s pattern either.


汉语写作与百科知识(150 分)

一、填空题(5*2=10 分)
1 唐代著名的陶瓷是(            )
2《孙子兵法》的作者是  (           )
3 西汉出使西域的是 (            )
二 名词解释(40 分)
其中 1.5 往年真题都考过3.4 属于每年都会有的没背过的内容。

三、应用文(40 分,450 字)

2018年政府两会中提到,要拉动就业,大力开展职业技能培训,运用“互联网+", 2018年毕业生达xx万人,以创业拉动就业根据对上述材料的理解,给党中央写一封信,450字。

四、大作文(60 分,800 字)
没什么好说的 。


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