1. 象牙贸易禁令 ban on ivory trade
China has long been one of the world's biggest markets for ivory, but as of 2018 all trade in ivory and ivory products in the country is illegal.
世界自然基金会表示:“很高兴看到世界上最大的象牙市场关门(delighted to see the doors of the world's largest ivory market close)”。
世界自然基金会非洲干事弗雷德·库马(Fred Kumah)在博客中写道:
“This is a significant step that should prove to be a huge boost to elephant protection efforts in Africa.
总部设在瑞士的国际自然保护联盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources,IUCN)2016年发布报告称,非洲境内可供调查区域内的非洲大象数量从2006年的50万头下降到41.5万头,十年间大象的数量锐减了20%,主要是象牙引起的大规模盗猎(poaching)所致,而区域外大象数量还难以预测。
2016年12月30日,国务院办公厅发布通知,2017年3月31日前先行停止一批象牙定点加工单位和定点销售场所加工销售象牙及制品活动(designated processing enterprises and trade venues of ivory and ivory products were closed before March 31, 2017),2017年12月31日前全面停止。
2017年12月12日,国际野生物贸易研究组织(TRAFFIC)和世界自然基金会(WWF)共同发布了《禁贸下的需求——中国象牙消费研究(2017)》报告。报告指出,自中国实施象牙禁贸措施以来,获得了公众的普遍支持,象牙购买行为正在逐渐减少(decline in ivory purchase),象牙价格也较上年下降50%(50% down in ivory price)。
2. 填海 land reclamation
China won’t approve new commercial land-reclamation projects in 2018, amid rising concerns that such projects have led to severe damage of the marine ecosystem.
填海(land reclamation/land fill)是指因为土地使用出现紧张或者因需配合规划等原因而需要将海岸线向前推,用人工建设的方式扩充土地面积。通过填海的方式获得的土地被称为reclamation ground(新填地)。
2017年下半年,国家海洋局组建了两批国家海洋督察组开展以围填海专项督察为重点的海洋督察( teams to inspect land reclamation practices)。海南“向海要地”(claiming land from the sea)严重,海域岸线破坏明显(severe damage to coastline),被督察组点名批评,山东、浙江等省也存在类似问题。
2017年国家海洋局执行了“史上最严”的围填海管控力度,包括实施了6个暂停措施,其中在渤海实施了4个暂停措施,即暂停围填海建设项目用海的受理和审批(suspending acceptance and approval of land-reclamation projects)、暂停区域建设用海规划的受理和审批(suspending acceptance and approval of regional land-reclamation plan)、暂停围填海建设项目用海指标的下达(suspending issuance of land-reclamation quotas)、暂停临时倾倒区的选划(suspending designation of temporary filling area)。另外,针对地方和全国范围内实行“两个暂停”,即暂停下达2017年地方围填海计划指标(suspending issuance of regional land-reclamation quotas),暂停审批和受理全国范围内区域用海规划(suspending acceptance and approval of regional land-reclamation plans nationwide)。
2018年,国家海洋局原则上不再审批一般性填海项目,年度围填海指标主要用于保障党中央、国务院批准同意的重大建设项目、公共基础设施、公益事业和国防建设等4类用海(major projects approved by the State Council, infrastructure construction, public service and national defense),坚持以海定量、量海而行,禁止不合理需求用海。
3. 白色经济 white economy
More than 2.6 billion yuan ($400 million) was spent on dining, entertainment and shopping in Beijing during the New Year holiday, with the "white economy" becoming a new growth point.
北京获得2022年第24届冬季奥运会举办权以来,大众对冰雪运动的热情持续高涨(rising excitement and interest over winter sports),冰雪运动以及器材、场地、赛事、培训等相关产业也有巨大发展空间,这就是所谓的“白色经济(white economy)”。
According to a report from the China Tourism Academy, the domestic winter travel market over 2016 and 2017 was worth 270 billion yuan. This is forecast to expand to 670 billion yuan in 2021 and 2022.
4. 雪乡宰客 overcharging customers
A guesthouse in Snow Town on the outskirts of Hailin, Heilongjiang province, has been punished by the local tourism authorities for overcharging customers.
这里的“宰客”可以用overcharging/fleecing customers表示,overcharge由over+charge组合而成,也就是“过度收费”,而fleece本身就有“敲诈、欺诈”的意思。
5. 年度账单 annual spending report
Alipay 2017 Spending Report that based on a person's history of mobile purchases that went online on Wednesday has sparked a public outcry over privacy issues.
3日,我国领先的电子钱包应用(leading e-wallet app)支付宝推出2017年度用户支出账单(spending/transaction report)。账单中,支付宝为用户统计了2017全年支出及消费情况,并预测出用户在2018年的消费关键词,激发用户晒图欲望。
但当日下午,法律界人士对账单首页的一行小字"我同意《芝麻服务协议》"提出质疑,认为支付宝在用户不知情状态下获取信息。这些字隐藏在首页下方(be buried at the bottom of the landing page),非常不显眼,并自动呈现勾选状态(be ticked by default),也就意味着用户如果不取消勾选,就自动视为同意。用户在查看支付宝账单时,可能不知不觉中就授予了支付宝收集用户信息并将其与合作机构分享的权利(give Alipay the authorization to collect users' information and share it with partner organizations)。
网友纷纷对支付宝的"套路"表示不满。支付宝于3日晚间发布道歉声明并调整了设置(tweak the settings),让该条款声明在页面上更加显眼(make the agreement statement more prominent on the page),并为已经默认勾选了同意协议的用户提供了取消同意(rescind their consent)的办法。
6. 佛系青年 Buddha-like youth
The phrase "Buddha-like youth" recently went viral after a popular WeChat article used the term to describe China's post-1990s generation.
文章写道:"在持续攀升的社会压力下对生活和职业都保持淡定的心态(keeping a casual and calm mindset toward life and career under mounting social pressure)"。所谓"佛系"是指:有也行,没有也行,不争不抢,不求输赢(it's fine to have something or not and there is no need to pursue or win anything)。
中国的年轻人迅速给自己贴上了"佛系青年"的标签(label themselves as Buddha-like youth),过上了"佛系生活"。他们的恋爱模式是宽容的"佛系恋爱",即全盘接受,从不强迫另一半作出改变(never force your better half to make changes)。他们把职场也变成了"佛系职场",即员工不再关心升职或办公室政治(employees no longer concern themselves with promotion or office politics),只是简单做好手头的工作(simply get on with the job in hand)。
对于这种佛系心态(Buddha-like mindset)出现了反对的声音,特别是在老一辈人当中。他们认为,这种心态的实质就是消极懒散(pessimism and indolence),会导致职业道德(work ethic)下滑、上进心缺失(lack of self-motivation)以及行为举止冷漠(apathetic demeanor)。但社科院专家表示,中国的迅速发展带来了许多社会变革,年轻一代不可避免地面临挑战和压力,"佛系"一词的诞生,说到底是"90后"的一种自嘲(self-mockery)方式,以此来宣泄自己所面临的生存压力。
7. 灯泡糖 lightbulb-shaped candy
Lightbulb-shaped candies have proved a big seller in China during the holiday season after going viral online, but a health expert has warned the treat could be a choking hazard.
这款灯泡糖(lightbulb-shaped candy)由焦糖制成(made from caramel),按照1:1的比例制成灯泡的形状,长约10厘米,最宽处6厘米,很受在网上商城淘宝上寻找独特礼品的买家(shoppers looking for unique gifts)的喜爱,被不少人推崇为"吃得进去,拿不出来(easy to put it into your mouth but hard to get it back out)"的"神奇糖果(magic candy)"。
然而,北京中日友好医院耳鼻喉科主治医师毕青玲警告称,这款糖果可能会造成比真实灯泡更大的健康风险(cause more health risks than a real light bulb)。她表示,如果硬质糖果在嘴里停留时长超过一到两个小时,下颚关节就可能会脱位(the lower jaw joint could be dislocated)。一旦舌头因长时间压力而肿胀(the tongue swells due to the long-term pressure),就可能造成窒息(suffocation),这会是致命的。她建议消费者避免将整颗灯泡糖放进嘴里。
8. 流感爆发 flu outbreak
Flu outbreaks are up across China compared with previous years, but the epidemic remains at normal levels and is much less severe than the SARS outbreak, said He Xiong, deputy director of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
季节性流感病毒(seasonal influenza virus)分为甲型(Influenza A viruses)和乙型(Influenza B viruses),其中甲型分为甲1型(H1N1)和甲3型(H3N2),乙型分为B/Yamagata(BY))和B/Victoria系(BV)。根据国家卫计委信息显示,目前我国三种型别的流感病毒同时流行,包括H1N1、H3N2和乙型BY系,以乙型BY系为主。
据世界卫生组织官网的介绍,季节性流感是一种急性病毒感染(an acute viral infection),很容易在人与人之间传播。
世界卫生组织官网表示,预防流感最有效的方式就是接种疫苗(vaccination),感染病毒以后要根据实际情况考虑进行抗病毒治疗(antiviral treatment)。
日常的个人防护措施(personal protective measures)包括:
Regular hand washing with proper drying of the hands
Good respiratory hygiene – covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, using tissues and disposing of them correctly
Early self-isolation of those feeling unwell, feverish and having other symptoms of influenza
Avoiding close contact with sick people
Avoiding touching one’s eyes, nose or mouth